
Hullo there,

The instructions were to be legendary, but how to legendarily introduce someone not quite so legendary? {atleast not yet}

mayhaps that means leaving the introductions until later

– alas, such is not to be

so, hullo, i am bird

I’m not out of this world, you are

This is one of my favorite sounds.

It’s always fresh in this memory, the air is neither cool nor warm, but neither the stale weather one might attribute to memories where that detail has faded away. It is just nice out. I walk how I always walk, briskly. Walking with a Purpose. What Purpose? Don’t ask me, I sure as hell don’t know. Well, in this particular instance, it is art class. I am walking to art class, taking the shortest route, which just so happens to lead me around the back of the school. Behind the brick monoliths whose belly holds and tortures the souls of poor high school kids in stomach acid called trigonometry, is a dumpster and asphalt that has seen better days. As far as asphalt can see that is. Nestled in this asphalt is a sewer grate. I walk over it nearly every day, always pulling out my earbuds just for a moment to listen. The sound of rushing water grows as I approach and fades as I leave it behind. A river running right below my feet, silent except for right then. A world unseen, hardly heard but there nonetheless.

Almost every introduction requires a fun fact so there it is

May the grass be green for you, even if it has snow on top of it,

I’ll catch you on the flippity flop

3 replies on “Hullo there,”

I enjoy the fact that you said you weren’t legendary (yet) – you probably will be once this class is over. Your post is very creative, but the background and text color is a bit hard to read – but I can still read it!

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