“Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station. What is a bumper? It is a short recording that identifies the radio station with signature music or an expression that makes sure the listeners know what they are tuned into (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bumper_(broadcasting)). So for ds106 it should certainly include “DS106 Radio” and some sort of message about the station with voice over music.”
Create A Ds106 Radio Bumper

So for this bumper I had our group project idea in mind. I thought through what circumstances a person would be able to hear this recording, maybe stored by an archival company? I’m not sure of the details, but this bumper is basically a release form for the autopsy recording. I did have a lot of fun with the random code in the beginning and hiding the DS 106 radio mention in it.
For the voice, I wanted a machine. It took some time to find a text to speech that wasn’t rotted as hell, but this one did the trick. I used US English James. (I edited out the part that said it was a demo : )
Although there is no music, I did layer a lot of different types of static/computer noises to get it to sound just right. I wanted it to sound old and very static and also have a lot of interference. ( the beeping is morse code, though I don’t know what it is saying) I love all how all the layers mix, it was definitely worth it. I got all of the sounds on free sound and they actually have a lot of really awesome statics.

I didn’t know there were this many types of static until this very night.