Using the crome music labs at https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/ , Specifically the Song Maker application make a song that’s at least 20 measures long. Then share your Piece on your blog or tweet it and explain your artistic process.
Chrome Music Labs Assignments
My artistic process was beautifully childish. I opened the link to the Song Maker and started clicking on boxes. They changed color. When I played them, they made sounds. It was lovely.
The first segment I experimented into being looked like this.

Then I liked the sound, so I repeated it.
Then I got curious about what the blue dots at the bottom did, and they turned into shapes when I pressed them. And I got percussion. I went with a simple alternating beat, nothing too complicated.

Then I wondered what the boxes below the light blue line did. So I pressed those. When I liked the initial pattern of sounds, I repeated it.

I really just got lucky that everything sounded halfway decent together.
I then played around with the different settings on the bottom bar, where it says Marimba. They had several other types of instruments that these notes could be played as, but they didn’t sound as good. I think this is because I made the ‘music’ as it was set to Marimba so I s based my choices on that. Trying to make it woodwind just didn’t quite work.
All in all, I would definitely recommend playing around with this, it is very easy and simplistic. The opposite of overwhelming music software, and more like a fun video game.