The daily creates…
— Rufous Thrush (@rufous_t) January 15, 2022
@ds106dc #tdc3658 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is: Twitter, the very platform you are on. Twitter at its finest is threads, and what are Twitter threads but chains of boxes?
— Rufous Thrush (@rufous_t) January 17, 2022
The Universe, A History
— Rufous Thrush (@rufous_t) January 18, 2022
@ds106dc #tdc3660 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is similar to the original, but still beautifully strange! I asked for " A queen and her crown//an eels with pearls on it"
— Rufous Thrush (@rufous_t) January 19, 2022
(finally— the map we can use to get home—god damn it not again)
— Rufous Thrush (@rufous_t) January 20, 2022
If I could do any one of these over again, I would rename the book “Doorstopper”